Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Natalie's Blog Post 8

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Gold Fabric
Oh Lord! Where to start.  Well to start I can say that this project has been one of the most challenger project that I ever had here in IADT.  First of all like you guys all know I didn't have any idea abou fashion and much less in sewing.  I am learning all these skills in order to get my dress ready.  Here are some pictures which may be look incomplete but I am sure as soon as I finish the skirt the rest will be a little easier and 100% sure that it will be ready for October 12.  My dress like I mentioned is in three pieces; top, skirt and tunic and I am working on them at the same time, baby steps but without stopping.  My plan is to have most or the whole dress complete between today and tomorrow, is a big challenge but I am here to learn new things and to explore and have fun.  I can't wait to see how is going to look, Im really exited.

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