Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Natalie’s Blog Post 9

Anthropologie Store is AMAZING!!! I am so impress of how Anthropologie came to life and how is been growing around the world for its famous mission and vision.  Antropolige came from the family of Urban Outfitters.  Anthropologie is a unique store where most of the products are old and used but with a little bit of magic and creativity everything comes to life and looks brand new.  Anthropologie clothing items are expensive, but is because you are paying for uniqueness and quality.

Anthropologie was founded in 1992 by a small group of innovators with a common goal: to “inspire the imagination” (“About Us”). After the brand’s introduction, new ideas were inspired through extensive travel and exploration. They refer to their customers as their “soul mates” (“About Us”) and deep and spiritual bond acts as a catalyst for motivating the designers and everyone involved in continuing the brand’s success.

Anthropologie’s success has come from years of studying customer behaviors and lifestyles but the result is not a brand that is calculated and conformist. It is a brand that understands their sense of self and their unique placement in the retail world. Within the confines of who they are as a brand, they have found movement and possibility and opportunity for the future (“About Us”).

I am looking forward to find a place like this one to make it my permanent place of work.  I can't image myself working with other's people creativity combine with mine.  I love to work with other people and to enjoy what I am doing and that is what Anthropologie is about.  Have Fun, Be Creative and Love Anthropologie. Nothing is better in life to work in what you love and do what you love.  Be Creative, Be Yourself.

Works Cited:
“About Us.” Anthropologie, n.d. Web. 10 May 2009.

Georgia Culp Blog 9 - Anthropologie

The inspirations are always coming from what can be recycled. Anthropologie target group is for the career focused that can spend the money to decorate with an unconventional look. Anthropologies have buyers travel all over the world to locate unique items to sell. Depending on the location you live in, depends on what you get. So there displays will always reflect the location they are in. There methods to step outside the box to keep the buyer instrested in items that are conventional, but displaying unconvential to pull in the buyer. The Visual Merchandisers and Coordinators that create the visuals are individuals who are assigned in areas in which Antrhroplogie is located. However, interns seem to assist in the whole production. 
Recycle water plastic gallons
Recyled Plates

Blog 9 Valerie Salazar

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Blog Post 9 Whitney Hopkins

When I first began my path to start working towards a future fashion career Anthropolgie was the place I had dreamed about being. Everything about the store including the merchandise and props just spoke to me. I know when people go to Anthropolgie, it is like "ooh, awh!." The creativity within one stores surrounding is a breath of fresh air. Anthropologie established in 1992. They are recognized world wide for their input on their visual displays. The visual aspects of the store are amazing! Everything that is used is recycled and made by the very hard working visual team.
Here are some of my favorite pictures!


Crystal Mitchell Blog Post 9

After doing my research on Anthropologie's window displays, I found out that they are really famous for them. Like world famous for their window displays. I also found out that they use recycled materials and items for their displays. I could not belive that. By using recycled materials and items, the company saves alot of money. Most stores soend millions on window displays, but Anthropologie has shown that you don't need a huge budget to create wonderful window displays.
Below are my favorite Anthropologie window displays. I can not wait to visit the store tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dragana Bubic - Coco Couture

Nicole looks so happy! When she came over she was so exited, and couldnt waith to poot it on. She was so scared to try it on she didnt want to crash it, and after she put it on she didnt want to take it off. She say "I fell like princes" To funny.

Our dress looks awesome, and it fits perfect. I am so happy to have it done.
Dragana Bubic - Christmas village

Since we are talking about creativity I tough that I should share some of mine with you today. One of my favorite holydays is coming soon “Christmas.” Every year I do my Christmas village and all my friends make sure that they come to see how it looks each year. They make jokes of course by saying that it looks bigger and bigger each year and that soon I will take up the whole house. Take a look at some of my creative displays, you may wish to come to see it or do it yourself someday…J   

Dragana Bubic - Blog Post #9

Anthropologie has been selling a lifestyle since 1992, and they are leaders in merchandising and visual display. Internationally known for their creativity in visual merchandising, Anthropologie created series of eco-friendly window displays using every day materials and recycled elements. They have their own window designers and also they have workshops for any one that is interested in helping creating one-of-a-kind window displays.
I particular love the focus on using recycled items and also use of plenty color. I believe their displays help their sales and make the shop a design destination weather you are looking to buy or not. I can’t even imagine of how much time it must take to put the whole display together.
I pick few of my favorite to show you how amazing the plastic bottles could look. Plastic bottles are cut into flowers and formed in to bouquets. How awesome! Or this other one made of recycled books and magazines.

Tomorrow is my workshop day. I am so excited in hope that I will get to do something unique.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Crystal Mitchell Blog 7

 The first store that I will be assisting is "Underworld." The two mannequins that I picked out are located below. I chose thes two mannequins because their stances will accent the underwear that they will be modeling. The customer will be able to get a clear visual on how the underwear will look on them. The customers will be able to view the underwear at evey angle possibly to ensure a perfect fit for them. I hope that "Underworld" enjoys these new additions to their store.

The second store that I will be assisting is "Artisan Alley". Artisan Alley is a wearable art shop plus gallery. The mannequins that I chose for this store are below. I chosed them based off of their different stances also. Their different stances and poses will display the wearable art in a artisic way so that the customers will be able to see the clothes at every angle. This will also display how to match up the clothing to make a unique outfit. Most customers look at the otfits on the mannequins as an example of how to put an outfit together. I really hope that "Artisan Alley" enjoys the new additions to the store!!!!


Crystal Mitchell Blog Post 4 "My Styles"

In this picture is one of my friend who ALWAYS wears the color black. She rarely goes for any other color especially with the color she is wearing now. This is probaly the ONLY green shirt that she has in her closet. So this day I decided to add a little bit of color, but still keeping the black as her base color. I picked out some skinny legged jeans for her. (Black of course) and I picked out the green tank top to go with it. The tank top actually has a black design on it and a little black trimming on it. I added the sleeveless hooded on top to bring out the green and to add layer to the outfit. She normally wears hoodies so I knew that she would be comfortable in it. I added the chain on the side, with one bracelet and one soft neckalace for her accessories. I didn't want too much because it would take from the outfit. The shoes I picked out because the had alot of the color white and because they were trimmed in black. I wanted to keep her favorite color, but not too much of it. The look I was going for was a rock/skateboard look. Which I knew that she would be comfortable in. She loved it!!!!

Crystal Mitchell Blog 8

I FINALLY got my dress started. Im so excited and motivated about this dres. It's coming along really well. The pieces are cut out for the pattern of the dress. I have some of the candy wrappers already in place and Im currently working on the other candy wrappers. My dress has a "Holiday" feel to it. I'm still thinking of the theme, but I will have the them really soon. Im really happy at my progress and the help that I've received. I can not wait to show you the completed dress, so stay tuned!!!!!

Holly M. Blog Post 9

Anthropologie takes such simple ideas and creates them into a big picture as their visual displays. I read a lot of material saying that anthropologie is very environmentally friendly, they use recycled things to create window displays. A lot of their window displays have been created after movies like Alice in Wonderland and Princess and the Pee. They have many visual merchandiser for each store who come up with ideas like season displays or things to do with nature. The pictures above show two different kinds of them, the top shows a Christmas scene, they have boxes of ornaments that represent the ornaments on a christmas tree. The bottom picture shows a picture of an under the sea theme, they have jelly fish made out of things like paper and coral made of paper to give it that theme of under the sea. I have personally loved researching all the visuals anthropologie puts together.  

Blog 9 Antropologie by Gyslaine
I am starting to find in love with Antropologie window displays. This window display was from holiday 2011 at Antropologie at Rockfeller New York, the theme was "breathing" . They used tape,plastic strips for the streamers, plastic Fedex envelopes,parachute fabrics, and other insulation material. It is interesting how they used inexpensive materials and make such an interesting art displays. My favorite display is the one that said " I`ll find you through the snow" , holidays are about getting thru the bad times and remeber what is more important to us that is Family. Family is the only thing that get us thru everything.