Monday, September 16, 2013

Vanessa Blog Post #3

 Here is Banana Republic's Millenia Mall window display. This store window is located in the center of the mall, where you could go either left, right, or upstairs. I find this display to have many of the Design Principles such as Unity- where all pieces in this display go together. Harmony is shown on both the hanger level and shoe level drawing your eye down to accept the entire look with shoes. As it displays a bottom piece and a top, placing the shoes underneath the top gives Balance to the long pants hanging next to a short top. Doing the set of a bottom, top, and shoes twice in a display not only gives the entire window balance but it also is Repetition so that you can see Banana Republic latest look a second time. There is also Rhythm in this visual display as your eyes go up and down following each piece from left to right. Emphasis are given on the orange pants in the window as the eye catcher. Men are now comfortable wearing bright colors and if it catches your eye followed by the neutral colored blazer it may be more appealing. Not much contrasting, as everything is very cohesive and the only Surprise would still be the orange pants. So again most of the Principles of Design are applied to this Banana Republic window display Fall/ Winter 2013.

Here is the Millenia Mall Tory Burch store. The first photo on the left is the window display that has  many of the Principles of Design applied to it. There is a female mannequin in a teal skirt and sheer printed top, she has on dark stockings and thick heel boot. Along side of the mannequin is a dark colored stool with Tory Burch signature handbags and above that are more bags on a clear rack assorted in a diamond shape. Unity is displayed as you can with this mannequin any bag can go with what she is wearing. Harmony and Balance is the diamond shape that both the handbags and the mannequin create.Repetition and Rhythm are found in the print on the bag, the top, and the background. In the photo in the right more prints and patterns were found in the store, there was definitely Emphasis on the prints. Going toward the back of the store was two white couches that Contrast to the colorful prints throughout the store. The couches also sat on a purple and white horizontal stripe rug that made the store appear wider and took eyes to the wall where more handbags were on display.

Vanessa O.

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