Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog Post #3 Lisa R

     In the middle of the hustle and bustle of Disney's Downtown tourist area I found Blink by Wet Seal.  Amid the tourist throngs, I found blink to have a sense of balance, unity, harmony and repetition in the way they displayed their merchandise.  The pants were located in the center and off to either side of the small store.  Filling in the gaps where the dresses, skirts and shirts.  Though the store was small, it was organized which gave any shopper a sense of space.  Wet seal emphasis on the young girl.  The location where the store was located was across from where the live entertainment jam it up.  Good location.  There was an element of surprise that I liked and it was visible from out side, which was the upside down jean wearing mannequin legs.  It immediately caught my eye just from walking by in the middle of the crowd that surrounded me.  It was so impacting that it became the topic of my blog.   White walls and bright colors and lights brought contrast to this store.  Overall I think its catchy and In a good location for business.

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