Monday, October 22, 2012

Mariela Blog 2

Tiffany's Inc. Window Display from Gene Moore

With his "outside the box" thoughts, Gene Moore became known as a leading window dresser of the 20th century. He has shown that with imagination, innovation, scale, surprise, and humor, even an everyday display can be memorable and achieve a sense of beauty, delight, and wonderment. After Moore joined Tiffany’s in 1955, on Fifth Avenue, he implemented the brand image. By his refusal to do the ordinary and expected, but instead choosing his own unique and original paths to express his special talents. "Make people stop" was his motto; his means were passion, mystery, the elements that make for good theater. Make the merchandise fit what he does, instead of him fitting in with the merchandise. His creations were legend, making Tiffany the windows of the world.("Gene Moore, Tiffany & Co., VP of Window Display")

Work Cited
"THE MAGIC OF VISUAL MERCHANDISING." Gene Moore, Tiffany & Co., VP of Window Display. N.p., 27 2011. Web. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. .

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