Saturday, October 20, 2012

Esther Blog Post 2

Gene Moore created some of the most extravagant and unique window displays for Tiffany's Inc. He definitely thought out side of the box when he was creating the design of each window. Something that was interesting to me when I was researching was this, that he intentionally would have something different for example a broken wine glass, and someone would call the store and tell them that there was a broken glass in the window, and he would reply yes don't you see the hammer right next to it. He wanted the windows to be remembered and talked about. Even though he would think outside the box in that regard there was still glamor and beauty to them, and when someone thinks about Tiffany's this is something they usually associate with them, beauty!
These are just a  couple of window display's that Moore designed that I thought were very beautifully put together.

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