Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blog Post #10 By Love

 This is the front of the outfit my 12 year old will model. This piece gave me some troubles trying to manipulate the fabric (which is very stiff from the cocoa powder and adhesive) I am really happy about the way it came together though. The pin tucks give it a really edgy feel.
 This is the back view of the bodice, I added the silver off shoulder ruffles at the last minute to give it just a bit more glamour. Laila will love modeling this outfit!
Naia (my 9 year old) was lucky enough to try on hers after it was complete, she LOVES it! her outfit was a bit tricky to manipulate as well, but it was a really fun project as it pushed my creativity to new limits. I think the back of her bodice is my favorite part, she'll look great coming and going in her suit.
I caught her in mid spin this pose and I was glad I made the decision to line her skirt in the silver as well, it really complements the brown cocoa leather. She is really looking forward to walking the runway.

I think all of the projects came out great and I want to let all my classmates know how proud I am of their work, especially those who didn't have much sewing experience but took on the challenge anyways. See you all at the festival, and good luck.

Love xoxo

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