Tuesday, October 30, 2012

marie blggpost


1. everyting its well one place with balance, the cilling light well coordonated the center of the store very worm and match
2    ,the store color cordinated wiht all merchandises in the store.   store balance well mesure , very square .repetition of the store is corner to corner , very nice music play in background,found exately what you looking for.for contrast different ithem is avalable different admosfere week after week.                                                                                                   

Maria Blog Post #3

The Endangered Species 
At CityWalk
Unity: All the elements represent a sumer. All the straw componet make it feel like an African Safari.
Harmony: The decoration materials go well together with the hat.
Balance: All elements are situated in a lower position.
Repetition: There's no repetition in this display. Just the nmaterials used for it.
Rythm: Centered position.

Emphasis:  The dress is the emphasis in this display.

Contrast:  The red with the blue make a perfect contrast in this display.

Surprise: I think the books is the surprise.

Kathy Blog Post 3

I decided to go with this Henri Bendel window display because I thought there was good balance and the display over all caught my attention. The vertical line on the bags make your eyes look up and down and right at the middle. The exagerated big bag in the bag adds an exciting and fun thing to look at. The colors they choose for this display really compliment eachother as well. Overall I think this display well set up.


Nordstrom at Florida Mall

Unity: Nordstrom window display use some of unity to make store department stand out.

Harmony: Nordstrom well present its image to the consumers by using the brand name merchandises.

Balance: It is well balance by the jacket on both side behind military coat.

Repetition: well repetition, easy recognize by the line from the top right, bottom left and the things on the floor lay out draw attention to the center.

Rhythm: the line and lights set up bring more attention to the center where the clothes display.

Emphasis: The clothes put all together at one small spot compare to the size of window but by using the light soft color make the merchandises are more important.

Contrast: Dark color of the clothes took over the line and the things on the floor.

Surprise:  just only few items on window display presented every thing about the store.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Mariela Blog Post 3

Seminole Towne Center Mall

1. Unity: The Express window display uses unity by combining everything, making it balance out and put well together.

2. HarmonyExpress is the must-have sexy, sophisticated fashion brand for work, the weekend, or going out. The display creates a whole in keeping with the store's overall brand image and merchandise by displaying different outfits for different occasions. 

3. Balance: The display does have a balance because there is two mannequins on each side with a poster in the middle.

4. Repetition: The Express display uses repetition by using some of the same colors, the lines in the back, the tiles and by placing the girl mannequins in the same pose.

5. Rhythm: The lines makes you look all over the display.

6. Emphasis: The placement of the mannequins and light makes you look at the merchandise. Also by using the some of the same color tones.

7. Contrast: By using a dark color for the background and floor in the display, it makes the mannequins stand out. 

8. Surprise: Making three mannequins pose the same and one posing differently.  

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Esther Blog Post 3

This is at J.C. Penney's at the opening of the store. I thought it was crazy that they already have most of their holiday visual's up we have not even passed Halloween. The visual display was very uniform with the same models and the positioning. The only thing about this particular store the displays looked like they could use some sprucing to give the store a little bit more of an inviting feel.

1. Unity: there is definitely a balance with the these mannequin's. If you look at them straight on they are all in a line.

2. Harmony: With the stores slogan "Every Day Matters" these mannequin's are dressed for everyday. It gives an overall feel of the store.

3. Balance: There is definite balance in the display. The three mannequin's are in a uniform line and the big hanging balls takes up equal amount of space.

4. Repetition: The mannequin's in the same pose and in a line

5. Rhythm: The three mannequin's are equal distance's apart and in a straight line.

6. Emphasis: It would be on their women's clothes and getting people to start thinking about getting fall/winter clothing.

7. Contrast: The colors of the clothes are all basically in the same color pallet.

8. Surprise: When you initially walk into the store you only see one of the mannequin's but as you walk towards the store you actually can start to see the others behind. I love Christmas time and so seeing the warm clothes and seeing the decor around made the store feel more cheerful.   

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Krystol Blog Post 3

Zara's Window display

Unity: The display is balanced, there isn’t much going on. The background doesn’t clash with the mannequins or with the garment.
Harmony: The look of this window display keeps the look of the store Zara because inside itself is very simple and the clothing is a high end look, with a type of edge but also very fashionable.
Balance: It is very balanced with the display but also to the clothing. From left to right, it goes from long pants, hoodies and long shirts, and jackets over them, then it goes to skirts and shorts with a t-shirt and a jacket over showing the varieties you can use with the garments.
Repetition: the Mannequins are all the same color, have the same hairstyle and also makeup showing the similarity of punk but also giving variations of the clothing. Also, the two mannequins on the left have the same bottom portion pose and same as the right but pointed to different directions and different top portions.
Rhythm: The visual movement of the display flows, to me, starting from left to right how they bring one mannequin to the front, then one on a crate that’s higher than the others, then the third one is behind it giving it a more distance effect and the fourth bringing her up more, but isn’t in the same spot as the first. The flow to this display would almost be like a river flow type of movement. Also using scarfs and jackets to let the viewer’s know its fall season.
Emphasis: All mannequins have a spotlight on them and also the background on the black frame that is hung behind them. The colors on this display is very neutral and dark (Black, white, grey, cream, green and burgundy)
Contrast: The objects used in this display like the crate that the 2nd model is standing on and the blocks used for the frame in the back.
Surprise: The visual might cause a certain type of “target” to stop and look at the type of edginess Zara has displayed and the type of art they had put into it, and one thing that stood out most to me was the hair and made me stop and look at the creativity and to look more into the design.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Marie Blog Post #2

     Gene Moore is a fantastical window dresser. His imagination has been pouring though the windows of Tiffany’s for years. Moore is not the average window dresser as he thinks outside the box and ultimately captures the attention of the shoppers. For example, Moore was thinking outside the box when he placed diamonds on lettuce. Yes, lettuce. Another is display is where he has a bird pulling out a pearl necklace from the ground. These are just a few of his memorable window dressings. And after dressing 5,000 windows, Moore still has a few antics up his sleeve. Mr. Moore was against cramming multiple mannequins on a window front and calling art. Instead he opted for a clean and less cluttered space, which gives the window shopper an opportunity to also think outside the box.

Kathy's Blog Post 2

This window display by Gene Moore blew me away. I think its beyond creative and outsode of the box. I love how he made it look so graceful and elegant with the hand picking up the necklace with chop sticks out of the chinese food box. Its very stunning and mind blowing. I think this is one of his best window displays for Tiffany's Inc.

Blog post 2- Heather Boyd

While researching Gene Moore's past window displays throughout his career at Tiffany's Inc. I came across an array of most definitely out of the box concepts. This one particularly intrigued from October of 68. The human figure constructed of some sort of metal kitchen utensils placed in the background of Tiffany's fine dining silver is very much so out of the box yet beautifully displays the elegant cutlery and still adheres to the brands imagery.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mariela Blog 2

Tiffany's Inc. Window Display from Gene Moore

With his "outside the box" thoughts, Gene Moore became known as a leading window dresser of the 20th century. He has shown that with imagination, innovation, scale, surprise, and humor, even an everyday display can be memorable and achieve a sense of beauty, delight, and wonderment. After Moore joined Tiffany’s in 1955, on Fifth Avenue, he implemented the brand image. By his refusal to do the ordinary and expected, but instead choosing his own unique and original paths to express his special talents. "Make people stop" was his motto; his means were passion, mystery, the elements that make for good theater. Make the merchandise fit what he does, instead of him fitting in with the merchandise. His creations were legend, making Tiffany the windows of the world.("Gene Moore, Tiffany & Co., VP of Window Display")

Work Cited
"THE MAGIC OF VISUAL MERCHANDISING." Gene Moore, Tiffany & Co., VP of Window Display. N.p., 27 2011. Web. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. .

Blog Post 2 Rafael

Gene Moore

Gene Moore, A very simple man but looked at life differently, made others believe his thought process was “outside the box” .The simplicity he brought to being a window dresser was a way to express how he looked at everyday objects as more than just an object. There is a clip online where he went on and discussed on how an eggs shape is the most beautiful shape ever. To me at first it sounded like non-sense, but by the end of the video, it made me realize that was his normal thought process. He “thinking outside the box” is how he understood things and how he made the boundless windows in his career. His windows consists of a lot or very little of Tiffany’s Inc. product. Gene would sometimes tweak things out of the ordinary for his own clarification of people observing his windows.

Krystol Blog Post 2

  Gene Moore is an amazing window dresser who displays really good ideas and shows something different in the displays. Geene has worked with Tiffany & co for about 40 years and started in 1950. In this display the pearls are broken off from the necklace and has a huge pearl above the loose ones on the bottom. The look to this display is very simple but gives a very soft touch to it, almost like a moon, or something you would attract customers to wear for a night out but is also a different display for Tiffany's.


Maria Blog Post 2

   Genne Moore

  Genne Moore arrives to New York in 1935 with the dream of become a fine artist, but instead he finish being a window dresser. One of the firs jobs Moore took was making paper mache flowers for Bob Smith Display Company. One of his "contributions"in the fashion world was the belly button on mannequins thanks to the fact that he molded them on Hollywood stars like Audrey Hepburn and Vivien Leigh. According to Moore, "People recognized the mannequins in my windows. Some of the mannequins even acquired fans... I admit I once kissed one of my mannequins, but I won't tell which. I just wanted to see what it would be like. It was like kissing a desk."1

Work Cited 

1. http://www.warholstars.org/warhol1/6bonwit.html

Jorlenny Blog 2

Gene Moore
      Gene Moore is famous for his window desplays for Tiffany Co. He was very whimsical in the way he made his displays. He decorated 5,000 or so windows for Tiffany & Company during his 39 years as the store's vice president. Moore had arrived in New York in 1935, hoping to become a fine artist, and had ended up a window dresser. He was able to create beautiful art pieces out of things that were unimaginable. With this you can see how for every piece he made, he thought out of the box.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Brittany Blog Post 2

Gene Moore was born in 1919 and passed away in 1998. He was hired by Tiffany & Co. in 1955 and  during his lifetime he created over 5,000 window displays for Tiffany & Co. He was famous for his displays, because of his technique in making actual art into displays. He liked to use stuffed hummingbirds in many of his designs, but the image featured above is one that he created to look like a watermelon; which is featured with a beautiful Tiffany & Co. flower ring. His designs were out of the box because of the textures, foods, and other not so ordinary designs he featured.

Works Cited:

The Peak of Chic. "The Peak of Chic®: Gene Moore and His Magical Windows." The Peak of Chic®: Gene Moore and His Magical Windows. N.p., 18 Nov. 2008. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <http://thepeakofchic.blogspot.com/2008/11/gene-moore-and-his-magical-windows.html>.

Unknown. "Gene Moore (window Dresser)." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 23 July 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Moore_%28window_dresser%29>.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Esther Blog Post 2

Gene Moore created some of the most extravagant and unique window displays for Tiffany's Inc. He definitely thought out side of the box when he was creating the design of each window. Something that was interesting to me when I was researching was this, that he intentionally would have something different for example a broken wine glass, and someone would call the store and tell them that there was a broken glass in the window, and he would reply yes don't you see the hammer right next to it. He wanted the windows to be remembered and talked about. Even though he would think outside the box in that regard there was still glamor and beauty to them, and when someone thinks about Tiffany's this is something they usually associate with them, beauty!
These are just a  couple of window display's that Moore designed that I thought were very beautifully put together.



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Brittany.... Blog Post 1

Hello blog readers;

I am only doing this for a class, but here is a little about me....
I was born in Houston, Tx, but lived most of my life in Maine.
I now attend a fashion college in Orlando, Fl.
When I get out of school I plan to be a T.J.Maxx buyer; I have worked for T.J.Maxx for three years and love everything about it.
Well that is just a little about me...


P.S. I am completely illiterate on how to use this thing & that is why my photo is sideways....

Sara blog post 1

Hey! my name is Sara and i love fashion because it is a great way to express yourself and be diverse without having to say much. So many fun and exciting trends to keep up with since fashion is always changing. The things i learn at school. The people i meet. The different experiences i encounter in my everyday life. They all participate in helping me on my interesting journey through the fashion world.

Krystol Blog Post 1

Hello Bloggers!
My name is Krystol and I am currently a Fashion Design student. I was born and raised in Orlando, FL. When I was in high school is when I figured out what I wanted to do with my life and it was to design clothes for women. I like how women express themselves in a garment and styling it up with tons of fabulous ideas, and I would like to make women feel good about themselves in my own designs. I want to focus more on couture when I graduate and hopefully learn helpful techniques.
I currently won a contest to design a hat for Bootsy Collins which was a HUGE opportunity for me. That being said, Fashion Design has been a huge part of my life and I cant wait to see it grow!

marie blogg post 1

i marie moise, student at iadt in orlando i am on second yrs  bachelor on fashion disigne. this is my blogger,  i am proud to be what i want to be a disigner, i can wait to travel as a disagner.

Mariela Blog 1

My name is Mariela. I was born in Idaho Falls, Idaho. I love fashion, photography, art, fishing, etc. Some of my favorite designers are Charles Dana Gibson and Christian Dior. My favorite color is dark green and some of my favorite things to do while I'm not in school or doing homework would be reading, fishing, camping, and swiming, basically outdoor activities.

Ashley Blog Post 1

I am an Advertising Design student at IADT and I graduate in March. I was born and raised in Kansas up until December of 2009 when I decided to make the choice to hit the east coast and move to Orlando. Once I graduate I hope to head to either Chicago or San Fran for grad school. I also hope to begin my advertising career working for an advertising company or for a magazine's advertising department. I really enjoy art direction and typography. I have an addiction to sushi, Vans sneakers, and Redbull. As for hobbies I love to read James Patterson novels, I enjoy murder mystery novels. Sometimes I will find myself hanging out in Barnes & Noble, by far my favorite place to go to relax. I also enjoy taking my 10 month old German Shepard to Fleet People's dog park in Baldwin Park, sometimes she just has too much energy so it is a definite must in order to keep my sanity. I am a huge family person. Back home my mom still lives in Kansas, but my dad lives in Oklahoma. I was raised between both places growing up, because my parents split up when I was 4 years old. I have 4 siblings; three sisters and one brother. I have a baby sister that is as young as five years old. I miss my family and try to see them as often as I can, but it can be difficult to get back due to work and school. That is why Christmas is my favorite holiday, it is a time that I can get together with most of my family all at one time since I am not back home very often. But I do know that once I graduate I am ready to make another major move; I did it once on my own, I can do it again. :)

Esther Blog Post 1

Hi my name is Esther. I love everything about fashion, from styling to designing. I love vintage chic style and putting my own touch on what I wear. I hardly wear a whole outfit from one store. I love to travel and see different cultures. It is definitely one of the things that inspires what I design. I also love to play the cello and have been playing for about eleven years! A saying that I live by is that you can only live once, so live life to its fullest. I believe that you can achieve anything that you set your mind to!

Kathy- Blog 1

Hi guys my name is Kathy, I was born and raised in New York City. Im majoring in fashion design and merchandising and im hoping to become a fashion designer or stylist after graduating. I also hope to open my own boutique one day. I have been interested in fashion for longer then I can remember. I made a newspaper dress when I was 14 years old. I love to travel and experience new things, im pretty adventurous you can say. I have big dreams so im striving for success.


     Hello! my name is Maria. I'm 21 years old Fashion Student with a dream of becoming a good Costume designer for theater (my 2nd passion) and movies. Hopefully I expect to succeed in my homeland Puerto Rico where i born and grow up. My biggest influence I would say came from the 20's with Jacques Fath and Erté... Both great Costume designers for Hollywood. I start designing at the age of 10 and since then my dad always help me pursue my dream. Beside my costume designer dream, my Fiance and I been planning a couple new video games where I'm the one in charge of dressing up all the females. I'm in my 4th month of pregnancy with my 1st child and also have a 5 years old step-daughter that I love like mine. 


My name is Devon.  I like visual merchandising in fashion because there are some meaning of the materials that displaced will drawing my attention as when I am looking at the displace, I have a feeling that the displace is talking to me.

Blog 1- Jorlenny

     Hello My name is Jorlenny, Im a fashion design student. Ive always loved fashion since I was a little girl. I knew I wanted to be a fashion designer in the 5th grade and I would always be designing dresses for my friends and family just for fun. I hope to become a well known costume designer for movies once I graduate.

Blog 1 Heather

                                     Hola fellow students, and Ms. Chelsea! this is Heather!
                obvisouly also a fashion student and very passionate about historical costuming.
           I'm originally from PA but have been in FL since 2000 and very much miss the NorthEast.
                                                 looking foward to another semester at IADT!

Blog 1

Hey Class,
My names Rafael. Born and raised in Tucson, Az.
Ive been in Orlando for 2 years and I strongly DISLIKE it. I miss the southwest sunshine and hate rain. I will someday have my own line of Hi end streetwear.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blog Post #10 By Love

 This is the front of the outfit my 12 year old will model. This piece gave me some troubles trying to manipulate the fabric (which is very stiff from the cocoa powder and adhesive) I am really happy about the way it came together though. The pin tucks give it a really edgy feel.
 This is the back view of the bodice, I added the silver off shoulder ruffles at the last minute to give it just a bit more glamour. Laila will love modeling this outfit!
Naia (my 9 year old) was lucky enough to try on hers after it was complete, she LOVES it! her outfit was a bit tricky to manipulate as well, but it was a really fun project as it pushed my creativity to new limits. I think the back of her bodice is my favorite part, she'll look great coming and going in her suit.
I caught her in mid spin this pose and I was glad I made the decision to line her skirt in the silver as well, it really complements the brown cocoa leather. She is really looking forward to walking the runway.

I think all of the projects came out great and I want to let all my classmates know how proud I am of their work, especially those who didn't have much sewing experience but took on the challenge anyways. See you all at the festival, and good luck.

Love xoxo

Crystal Mitchell Blog Post 5

My dress is coming along great. I'm working over time since I had a late start, but Im happy that it's coming along faster than I expected. Im so thankful to have someone helping though :)
The pictures below show the back of the dress. It will be longer in the back than in the front. It will kind of look like a small train. Im really excited about it.

Sebastian castro

my final dress

Valerie Blog 10

So ok mines a little late but I completely forgot about the blog post. While making this garment I learned quite a few things about sewing and working with a non fabric material. It was an overall super fun experience and I'm really glad I did it. Although I struggled a bit I over came my struggles and I learned a lot. I really hope that I am able to go to the show but if not I hope everyone else has fun!

Holly M Update

Crystal Mitchell Blog Post 10

This is my dress that is almost completed. I only have to add a collor and some rhinestones for a finishing touch. Im soooo excited and happy that this dress came out like this. I wish that I could wear it right now :)
The name of my dress is "The Holiday". It reminded me of my favorite parts of the year. Which are Fall, Winter, Christmas, and New Years. This dress displays all of that.

Blog Post 10 - Georgia Culp

The "Mr. Goodbar" dress. Inspired by my textile class, I decided to weave the wrappers. I cut each strip one inch. However, to save on time and money, I decided to use the large wrappers towards the back of the bodice. The skirt however is all weaved. I wish I could have excuted the garment better. My sewing skills have come along way since my first day in Contruction Class I. I never thought I would be cabable of making a unconventional outfit, but I did it and pretty darn proud.

Natalie's Blog Post 10

Cocoa Couture Fashion Show has changed my life.  It gave me a new perspective of art and how to express your creativity in many different ways.  At first it was a little scary because I did not know how to start, but after I learned, nobody could stop me.  As you can see in the picture the dress is almost ready.  It needs a few details that today will be done.  This dress took me hours and hours, to tell you more yesterday I slept only three hours and today I haven’t sleep because I want to get everything done.  However I’m always having in my mind that every sacrifice has its own prize at the end.

 This is my final dress ready for the wrappers!  Hooray... 

In this picture you can notice how packed is my fridge with all the chocolate! I really don't know what I am going to do with them.  
Any suggestions?

Here we have the skirt made of Kit Kat wrappers and it will have a few Crunch Bar details.  Is very very close to be ready, only a few more details.

This picture shows the top part which is made of 
Crunch and Kit Kat Bars.

Oh Lord this is my favorite part!  This is the tunic which is a piece made of Crunch bar and I also add a little of sparkle by adding a gold shiny fabric inside. It took about 5 boxes of Crunch.