Thursday, November 29, 2012

Esther's Blog Post 8

The some of plastic bag rosettes.

The garbage bags full of old news papers.

The bodice of the dress (it kept loading upside down even though I took it right side up)
Since the beginning of this project I have been excited to see how things would come together. As of this week we still have a ways to go before it really starts coming together. Making all the rosettes was a little time consuming, but being able to multitask made it go by quicker. The dress is going to have a few different modifications to it because I had a hard time with the pattern, but think that it will still turn out just like I'm envisioning, a winter wonderland! There have been a few struggles with the project and having everyone there to help, but I think in the end it will all work out to look amazing!
There are still a few things I have to do to having it 100% ready by week 9; finish up the dress, which I plan on finishing before the weekend starts so I can start sewing the rosettes on the skirt, and just making sure that I have enough rosettes to cover the skirt. The last thing I have to do is glitter spray the dress so that it will sparkle, just like the snow when it has been untouched! Less than 2 weeks to go! Good luck everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Esther, taht dress will be look great! I can`t wait to se it.
