Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blog post #7..... Brittany

Artisan Alley:

I would pick this one because when featuring your art work the figure does not need a head. Secondly this specific mannequin has a motion so depending on the artwork this could actual make the art look more realistic when wearing it because it shows that you do not have to just stand in one place, but can wear this piece anywhere. The way he hands are delicately placed behind her and out of the way from blocking the artwork was another reason I chose the particular mannequin.


I chose this one, because of the fact that this guy looks important. His leg is crossed which shows that even though you are wearing your very nice suit you will be able to render everyday movements such as crossing your legs. Also with his arm laying across his leg show authority which CEOs would want to express. The beside or behind him reminds me of in the movies when they are looking out their big open windows with a view. So this is how I picture this one setup.

 Images from:

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