Monday, November 5, 2012

Blog Post # 3 Brittany

 Lulu Lemon

Unity: The unity in this display comes from the way the beads are and the outfits and other display details flow into one design idea.

Harmony: The harmony comes from the way everything is proportioned and collaborates well together.

Balance: Everything on this is displayed in a very even and symmetrical way. From the beading to the mannequins to the other design elements.

Repetition: They repeated the use of beads and continued to make

Rhythm: The rhythm of this display is shown throughout the display. Everything just goes together in some way or another. The beads start on one end and they end on the other. The reindeer jumping leads your eye to a mannequin with Lulu Lemon's design. And so on.

Emphasis:The emphasis in this display comes from the background. The clothing is very plain where as the color of the decoration is what catches your eye.

Contrast:Contrast is displayed in the palm trees and the reindeer. The two just do not mix what so ever.

Surprise: The surprise in this display is the use of palm trees in a Christmas display. The use is relevant to a Florida display but still not the average idea for Christmas.

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