Thursday, April 17, 2014

Blog Post 8 Alexis

This first picture shows the different types of paper products that we collected to make the flowers. We are working to manipulate the lemon wraps and coffee filters into the perfect flowers. An issue we are having is that the lace of the dress is white and the paper products may not stick out. We are debating if we want to dye the products in order to give them some color. Also some of the blue flowers we are using are too large for our over-all look.

These are the materials we are using for the dress. Lindsay was able to obtain this table doily. The Muslin from our clothing construction class will be used underneath so the garment is not see-though. With the muslin we found white doily placemats to attach to it that keeps it uniform. We have to serge the dress which we did not anticipate, but will not be a problem. In order to get the outfit completed by week 10 we need to serge, and also create the top portion, which we have been debating between two styles. 

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