Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Activity 8 -JaDiona Davis

Visual Art Director (Graphics)
Visual Art Jobs are available almost everywhere for graphic designers. I noticed that it is more probable in the UK, most likely because they are more advanced and skilled and can experiment with much more than the US. Being a visual artist requires you to be creative, original, have strong computer skills, and an interest in graphics and typography. Education wise, it is acceptable to have any basic degree in arts and visual but if you are looking to start out in a junior to senior position then they prefer applicants to have at least a BA. A basic visual designer in graphics can start out making an average of $47,000 with a 1-2 year experience behind them, 3-5 years experience increases to about $68, 000 and the max that research has shown is about $1,500,000 but that applies to big time free lancing artist. There are so many great individuals that have a career in this field but it is only one that really stood out to me. His work makes you take the simplest things and really think about them. His name is Sebastian Magnani. He is a well known photographer born in Switzerland who worked as a visual graphic designer for five years and then branched out on his own because he knew that there was more that he wanted to do. His most popular work yet is the "Underdogs" collection. Here he took the simple saying that everyone knows about," How humans and their dogs begin to look alike" and actually made them look alike. I posted some examples below.


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