Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Arianna Blog Post 8

(handmade rosettes)

(bags full of recycled newspaper)

Has Been a long weeks between assignments, quizzes, midterms and other things to have everything ready for Week 9. Very excited to see all the progress I can not wait to see how it looks at the end of our project. Every time we're needing less, but now we are focused on the dress not as a whole but in parts, we made a break down to make sure every detail is ready to begin the construction. We have ready a lots of rosettes handmade with bags, which will cover the entire dress skirt and to simulate irregular snow structure, we are gonna use bags of recycled newspaper to create fullness and movement inside the skirt, the last thing is make it shine! with the glitter spray we are going to apply. 
Im so exited to begin the construction!

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