Monday, January 21, 2013

Maria Blog Post 3

This window display is From H&M.

1. Unity: there is definitely a balance with the these mannequin's. Well pose with different positions.

2. Harmony:  these mannequin's are dressed for everyday. It gives an overall feel of the store. The clothing is a high end look, with a type of edge but also very fashionable.

3. Balance: It is very balanced with the display but also to the clothing.

4. Repetition: the Mannequins are all the same color that's about it.

5. Rhythm: The visual movement of the display flows, to me, starting from left to right how they bring one mannequin to the front,  then back. keeps on repeating

6. Emphasis: It would be on their clothing and the colors.

7. Contrast: The black and blue makes a perfect contrast in this display.

8: Surprise: The visual might cause a certain type of target to stop by and look at. The H&M display came out great. Especially how the two mannequins are on top of the box and giving that sexy pose with a simple, elegant, classy look. Gives that curiosity rather to go inside or not.

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