Sunday, January 20, 2013

Juliana: Blog Post 3

Banana Republic, The window display shown below, portrays sophistication and draws the eyes directly to the mannequins and the apparel which they are modeling. The background is kept simple yet very tasteful simulating great harmony. The background pattern maintains both the solid color in the middle and the stripes on the right end, a random yet subtle pattern on the far left really contrast with the background of both repeated display windows. As for the clothing, each mannequin looks impeccable, you can easily mix and match any piece within the 5 mannequins displayed (excluding the man). For the surprise portion, a man mannequin is thrown into the mix, this helps by showing diversity through unisex yet emphasizing the same fashion authority.  The merchandiser responsible for this display wall really wanted the concept to be readily grasped by everyone including the foreigners. 

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