Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kiariiz blog post 8

 by: Kiara Dariiz
As you can see im not even half way on finishing my carton garment, but im trying sooo hard its not even funny! my triangular pyramids are glued with hot glue, and by the way they all have the exact m,easurments of 2x2 squares and each cut in a cross from corner to coner so they shyould all have the same shape and measurements. those pyramids are going to be glued on my muslim fabric that i transformed into a tight corset. With the part that im really having trouble is the skirt part. since its carton, it cannot get stiffer, lol, so i hot glued every piece (which i had to do all over again since my last perfect pieces i had made where thrown away and unapreciated lol) but i came across to the problem of how am i going to make this wearable. So im dealing with this right now. But our wonderful teacher told us that it is prosponed till week 10, in which gives me more time to figure out what to do. So after all of it is done and hot glued, i will paint it with those black mate spray cans and  then add the red plastic on the waist and the lacing on the back, and as a finally the big huge white bag bow in the front. and ofcourse my background, which i have not started, will be a surprise!!! TOOTTLES!

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