Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kiara Dariz blog 7

Artisan Alley

1.       Artisan Alley- a wearable art apparel shop and gallery.
-     I choose to use the linea manequin just for the fact that their art work has to stand out and it will give a vision of detailing and focusing on the details of each artistic garment. If the models have no expression in their face they would bring out the garment more than a manequin with a face expression.I feel that it can be more professional for the artistic garments.
2.   Underworld- a specialty shop that sells natural fiber underwear for men, women and children
-     I visualize Underworld to be a sexy chick general underwear department store that sells the garment by the poses and expressions of their mannequins. For this to have a full effect, they would need expressions on their faces, and Grneker is the best company for that.

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