Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Estefania Blog Post 8

Photos/ In-progress
                                                                   Spring Splendor!

As you can see in these pictures this is how i started constructing my dress step by step, for the construction of this corset first, I cut and sew the patterns made ​​of muslin; one of the things that was a challenge was to give the shape of the busts. Corsets are kinda difficult to do because you have to manipulate and sculpting over the top of the hips to give that perfect voluptuous shape. 
The paper has an interesting texture that is one of the things that I like, because thats the effect that I was trying to find. My last step is to cut the bell shape skirt and attached to the bottom of the corset and it's going be ready to paint the whole dress and give the magic touches!
Wish me Good luck! :-)

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