Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Jaimie blog post 8

 Hello! These are pictures of my most recent progress on the umbrella dress. I used draping techniques to come up with a pattern for the rest of the corset (where the zipper will go in the back), the waistband front and back, and skirt front and back which will be the slip underneath the dress, where a caging made of umbrella wiring will be attached. I also sewed the corset together with on the umbrella fabric and sewed it to the muslin lining. I understitched the lining to make sure it won't show. I also stay-stitched the tops of six umbrellas and then sewed them all together at their sides, creating the skirt part of the umbrella dress. :)

Estefania Blog Post 8

Photos/ In-progress
                                                                   Spring Splendor!

As you can see in these pictures this is how i started constructing my dress step by step, for the construction of this corset first, I cut and sew the patterns made ​​of muslin; one of the things that was a challenge was to give the shape of the busts. Corsets are kinda difficult to do because you have to manipulate and sculpting over the top of the hips to give that perfect voluptuous shape. 
The paper has an interesting texture that is one of the things that I like, because thats the effect that I was trying to find. My last step is to cut the bell shape skirt and attached to the bottom of the corset and it's going be ready to paint the whole dress and give the magic touches!
Wish me Good luck! :-)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Juliana Arango Blog 8

Hello everyone,
As progression continues, with great effort my partner Vinny and I are now finished with the peplum dress.  We decided to use Mrs. Chelsea’s idea of sewing balloons individually onto ribbon (we chose black ribbon, with a 2inch width) we are going to sew each balloon at exactly an inch from the top of each ribbon then proceed to fold the remaining top ribbon down. By folding the ribbon down it makes sewing the ribbon with balloons onto the dress, not only easier but much more precise and clean looking. Tomorrow during class we will begin to sew these strips of pre-made ribbon with balloons onto our garment, and witness the entire piece come to life. The layout of the balloons in this picture IS NOT permanent we were playing with the color pattern. However tomorrows layout in class, will be permanent. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kiariiz blog post 8

 by: Kiara Dariiz
As you can see im not even half way on finishing my carton garment, but im trying sooo hard its not even funny! my triangular pyramids are glued with hot glue, and by the way they all have the exact m,easurments of 2x2 squares and each cut in a cross from corner to coner so they shyould all have the same shape and measurements. those pyramids are going to be glued on my muslim fabric that i transformed into a tight corset. With the part that im really having trouble is the skirt part. since its carton, it cannot get stiffer, lol, so i hot glued every piece (which i had to do all over again since my last perfect pieces i had made where thrown away and unapreciated lol) but i came across to the problem of how am i going to make this wearable. So im dealing with this right now. But our wonderful teacher told us that it is prosponed till week 10, in which gives me more time to figure out what to do. So after all of it is done and hot glued, i will paint it with those black mate spray cans and  then add the red plastic on the waist and the lacing on the back, and as a finally the big huge white bag bow in the front. and ofcourse my background, which i have not started, will be a surprise!!! TOOTTLES!

Kiara Dariz blog 7

Artisan Alley

1.       Artisan Alley- a wearable art apparel shop and gallery.
-     I choose to use the linea manequin just for the fact that their art work has to stand out and it will give a vision of detailing and focusing on the details of each artistic garment. If the models have no expression in their face they would bring out the garment more than a manequin with a face expression.I feel that it can be more professional for the artistic garments.
2.   Underworld- a specialty shop that sells natural fiber underwear for men, women and children
-     I visualize Underworld to be a sexy chick general underwear department store that sells the garment by the poses and expressions of their mannequins. For this to have a full effect, they would need expressions on their faces, and Grneker is the best company for that.

Kiara Dariiz blog 6

by: Kiara Dariiz
1.       Is there high signage or graphics, guiding the customer to the wall?
- The spring colors and their repetition in each item may attract the customers. 
2.       What is the theme of the wall display?
- I would say its spring, due to the colors.
3.       What kind of different products are showcased in the display?
- A blender, coffee mugs, water filter, different cups, kitchen utilities etc.
4.       What kind of fixtures are featured?
- they are organized from colors and small to largest.
5.       Is there an apparent color story?
- yes the white, green, orange, red and black

Bree Vassar Blog post 7

This Particular ghost style of mannequin would perfectly suit the brand image for the Artisan Alley. Since the wearable art work is the most imaportant element of the display itself, I feel that action ghost mannequin figures would best showcase merchanise and would stand out best in displays. This form of display mannequin also caters to the individualistic style of client who can then picture themselves in the unique products rather than picturing a mannequin or other entity in the ensembles. If faces are desired, then I would suggest abstract portraits, such as colorful framed 2D cubist style paintings be used as faces to thus reinforce the artistic image of the store.

These particular display mannequins would be ideal for "Underworld" because they are very organic in nature and natural in form thus demonstrating the product and brand identity as a natural fiber, eco friendly company. The natural and neutral earthy colors and free flow and form of the mannequins gives customers a welcoming and tranquil mood with ambient lighting, and natural elements such as plants and wood.

Jaimie Blog Post 7

Artisan Alley
I think this mannequin would be a great fit for
 a wearable art and apparel shop.
This mannequin portrays glamour and has
sophisticated poise. It would also
make a great canvas for the art the way she is positioned.
I think this one would also be a nice addition to
Artisan Alley. The block that the mannequin is sitting
on gives it a creative/ artsy feel. The position is somewhat
conservative, which would add to the vibe of the gallery. She
looks like she is pondering something.

I think this mannequin would be perfect for CEO. He seems to be confidence in his stride, which is
what men want to feel like when they are wearing a nice suit. Business men want to feel professional and
confidence, which I feel like this mannequin best represents. His hand is even in place to be fixing his
suit or tie.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Juliana Arango Blog 7

Just like new, I believe these would be the ideal mannequins for your consignment shop, whom sells gently used clothing for children and infants. These full form mannequins are fun, full of color and energy, just like children. No matter a child's ethnicity, children all have one thing in common, innocence. These mannequins are colorful helping represent no limitations, Children of no color. I believe a consignment shop can sometimes mean tight budgets or simply smart shopping, however a parent may view a consignment shop, they can count on their children always feeling like they belong. With these lively mannequins which are a simple reminder that anyone and everyone is always welcomed here at Just Like New

The club, I believe these yoga inspired headless mannequins are perfect for your club. 
Both men and women mannequins are available upon request.  Being an exercise enthusiast, means living a healthy green lifestyle. These mannequins are a peaceful shade of light green, the color green stands for hope.
Hope for a better life, a healthier life, hope for change. The proportion of the above mannequins are equivalent to a very fit , healthy conscious women. Imagine these mannequins dressed in The Clubs upscale exercise apparel, these in-motion mannequins will show your apparel in action, from the mannequins to your  customers favorite pose or sport.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Estefania Blog post 7

Just Like New
Infant/children's Clothing
As a sales representative of mannequin manufacturers at a national visual merchandising market; my suggestions for the retail store "Just like New" infant and children's clothing would be these kind of mannequins because they look very attractive, high quality and how the different poses gives you an idea of how you can bring playfulness to your display, if you are looking for children mannequins you should choose different mannequins that gives to your display a very playful theme. Kids love running, kicking and climbing. If you are looking to attract your customers reflect what's your brand about it in your window display. You can find any of these mannequins in this website http://www.hansboodtmannequins.com/display-mannequins/children/abstract.html
A conservative menswear apparel store specializing in high-quality suits, shirts, shoes, leather goods, ties and other accessories.

For a conservative menswear apparel store I selected this kind of mannequins, they look very sophisticated and classic, the poses are very natural and reflect the masculinity and elegance also these male mannequins have very defined body features and human poses. These mannequins are perfect to show any kind of merchandise especially if you want to attract your customers you should choose the abstract black mannequins because the customers focus the attention in the merchandise. you can find these mannequins in this website http://www.bernsteindisplay.com/

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Maria Blog Post 7

The mannequin chosen reflects a conservative menswear apparel which fits with CEO. The description of CEO is a menswear apparel specializing in high- quality suits, shirts, shoes, leather goods, ties and other more and the pose of this mannequin reflects that high status sophisticated men they looking for. The mannequin also preserve a stance or mode of men that can be in absolute style and be able to work it. I believe it gives the customers a feel of what it might look like on them and make them feel invited to go in the store and try it on.
For my second choice I decided to go with Underworld. Picking these two graceful yet sexy mannequins which will go with what underworld is looking for. These mannequins will display the underwear's perfectly well. The customers would be able to notice every detail from the underwear and how it would fit and look, making the customers want to purchase the underwear's more.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Jaimie Blog Post 6

Home Fashion Store: Bed, Bath & Beyond
1. There was hanging signage (high, but closer to eye-level) indicating the section for towels.
2. The theme of this wall display is the Kenneth Cole Reaction line for towels.
3. All are towels in this display.
4. This wall fixture features shelving, resembling bookcase units. Although the walls don't actually feature bookcase units, the shelving makes it appear that way with the towels stacked tightly into each area.
4. There is an apparent color story. The colors here are mostly neutrals and blues. Many of the colors are not very vibrant, yet they remain rich and appealing. The color combinations go from light to dark and the way that the colors are set up make it very attractive. This make the towels look nice and even somewhat masculine.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Estefania Blog Post 6

Specialty Store Pier 1 Imports
1) The only visual graphic that I could appreciate in this store was about "Happy Meal" it was located in the wall fixture
2) The theme was related to "Easter"
3)Some different kinds of products showcased in these displays was a set of porcelain plates, cups, mixing bowls, plate stands, jars, measuring cups, porcelain ramekins and vases.
4) Wall fixtures, floor capacity fixtures, basic gondolas, tabletops.
5) As you can see in the first picture the color story for the set of plates are earthtones colors
the bordeaux, yellow, green and natural sienna color.
and in the second picture are neutral colors, and in the third are pastels colors reflecting the easter theme with different decorations of bunnies, easter eggs and ducks.  


Maria Blog Post 6

This store that I picked was at Pottery Barn. There wasn't to much of signs guiding the shopper to a certain wall. Pottery Barn had different sections of color. The wall display shows us many things and how to combine different accessories. At the middle it has a mirror which gives a great look and by the side they added a different touch which they added two round lamps hanging in the wall, and on the top there are small frames which gives a fabulous look. As you can see they used this wall display as an example how to have a small bar and how to decorate it. This wall display is based off the colors white, brown and cream. There was a color story throughout the store, they had different colors that would blend in with other colors.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Juliana Arango Blog 6

Hello Everyone,
The store I chose for this blog is Target.
1) Yes, there is high signage guiding customer's to the decor wall; including an isle number, brief description and directional arrow signage.
2) The theme of this wall display are wall painting's and prints.
3) Some different kinds of products showcased within the display are 95% abstract prints, 2% paintings 3% abstract wall fixtures/decorations.
4) Gondola fixtures are featured in the target, decor isle.
5) A possible color story for this particular wall display from left to right, appears to begin with warm color, intermingling with cool colors ending with neutrals. However these colors do mix with each other throughout the entire wall display.

Juliana Arango Blog 5

Hello everyone,
For week 5 my partner Vinny and I started to test out some of our project materials.
We alternated between hand-stitching and applique with a glue gun. 
We chose hand-stitching over the glue gun due to its mess-free fixture and overall appearance. 
The picture above shows a couple balloons stitched horizontally on the edge of a muslin fabric, since muslin is what we will use for base of our dress. I found the stitching of the balloons onto the muslin a little tricky (wasn't as easy as i imagined it to be) however once i got the hang of it i managed to get a feel for what is to be expected. We plan on stay stitching balloons before running them through the sewing machine for ultimate preciseness. As for the Aluminum peplum (skirt) we will be using heavy duty aluminum foil vs standard, along with a ultra-thick interfacing. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blog Post 5

For the Balloon Foil dress design my partner Julianna and I will be using balloons and aluminum foil as materials to create the garment. The first step is to create the base of the garment out muslin for the silhouette  for the dress. The next step will be to place the balloons on the garment by gluing and/or sewing them on to the fabric. And then we are going to add the aluminum foil by creating a mini half way puffy skirt in the front of the dress by the waist and also we are going to create a big puffy side shoulder cover to give the design a wow factor.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

kiara Dariz blog 5


The FootLocker bags are incorporated for the big huge bow in the front. The boxes are going to be cut in a specific measurement for the ballerina shape skirt and the diamonds shapes that make up the top part of the dress. For my background I would be using also boxes materials and the invisible string to create falling black flowers made out of box material also.

kiara Dariz- blog post 3

This is Glamour clothing store for women. It sells mostly to chick, sofisticated, yet sexy young girls but with a fair budget of mayb 25 dollar a shirt or even dresses or shorts.On this window display the visual merchandiser used:
1.       Unity- by combining each color scheme in a proper way that it would look good.
2.       Harmony- by using the right choices of shades on each color of the garments.
3.       Balance- the outfits complementing each other.
4.       Repetition- by using the same color scheme and shade with other color schemes in a way that complements each other.
5.       Rhythm- to show how the garments play with each other
6.       Emphasis- on the poses of the manequins
7.       Contrast- to show that the colors of the garments make a great contrast with the plain white background.
8.       Surprise- on the choices of colors.

Blog post 5

Muslin, Red santeen lining, magazines and Clear duct tape are the supplies I have so far collected. Theses are the supplies I have so far collected for my reusable resource visual display. My accessories will be also covered in newspaper. All these magazines have been collected over the last year and half due to my many suscriptions. :) Im excited to start my dress !

Jaimie blog post 4

For this style assignement, I had a little fun with the clothes and accessories in my own closet. What appears to be a purple skirt is actually a high-low dress. I chose a white and black striped shirt with gathered sleeves to throw on top of the dress. To pull it together, I used a black waist belt that tied in with the black stripes on the shirt. I let some of the shirt hang out on the sides and back for added style effect.The blacks and whites really provided a great contrast to my bright purple dress. I also wore black flats with bows because nothing says casual, yet cute like a simple pair of flats. :)

Blog post 5 Bree Vassar

Right now I have to go collect more items for the garment. I need to pick up the toys and clothing from both goodwill and salvation army. I will do this later this week. for now however I am working on drafting the pattern for the dress and shrug. It is just a basic sleeveless v neck sheath dress fo rthe lining that will be made of muslin. the visual effects will be found in the clothing that will be sewn onto the muslin base. The shrug will be made of stuffed animals. The stuffing will be removed from the middle abdomen area of the animals so that the fabric body can be more easily sewn together in a patchwork style.

Jaimie blog post 5

I have decided to use umbrellas and clothing to help create my display. The umbrella material will be used for the dress and the wiring will be used to help create a wire tree. There will be clothing on the ground covered in paint to represent wet clothing (as if the woman had ditched her drenched clothing and used an umbrella as a dress instead).

Monday, February 4, 2013

Estefania Blog Post 5

Reusable Materials
Bond paper, shredded paper and acrylic paintings
These are some of the materials that I collected during the weekend to start doing my project. Also I would like to incorporate different paper flowers to my display I think this is a great idea to combine with the "Spring theme".