Sunday, January 13, 2013

Estefania Blog Post 2

Gene Moore the window dresser caught the attention of many people with this neon thread in the windows at Tiffany and Co. on 5th avenue. Moore is known by express the art of his window displays, he always represent the concept and elevates it to splendor. He implements their ingenuity to make known their creativity and how it makes each of its window display are magnificent to transmit the message. As you can see in this window display entitled "Threading the needle"draws attention each of the elements are present, the lighting of the thread, the beautiful necklace from Tiffany and Co. that makes you feel you want to go to the store and buy it immediately and the message that is for heart. When you see this window display and you connect each pieces as a puzzle  makes you think and makes you adore the art. because all this is called "creativity" and makes you remember the famous phrase "think outside the box".

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