Tuesday, January 29, 2013

kiara Andujar blog post 4

An Outfit right from the store is a girl's fantasy! In this case, this is exactly what Yours truly did. The outfit comes from the upcoming spring collection at Charlotte Russe. The top is a black and multi-color floral pattern and the skirt is a high waisted, short front, long back flouncy skirt with the color of light blue. How did this outfit meet? well, the skirt in the first place cought my eye with its beautiful light blue color, but in the store it was paired with a normal white tanktop with a creme leather jacket. So I decided to play around and with it and found this short jeane material shirt that hooks in the front and thought "wow these colors really look good toghuetehr..so why not?" The cotton transparent skirt worked very well with the jeaned, black, short, patterned shirt for a go out with the girls day.

Estefania Blog Post 4

Professional/Sophisticated Look
For the selection of these outfits I decided to chose a neutral colors combination of chocolate, warm beige, white and black. These are gorgeous autumnal and wintery hues,  reflecting the classic, elegant, sophisticated and vanguard women. My models feels good and very confident with these outfits, which is very important to always considering the satisfaction of the person that you're styling. I coordinated these outfit by the previously selection of trendy colors and style, not forgetting reflecting each garment with the elegant look and coordinating the same colors of accesories.The good thing of neutral colors is that you can mix and match them with nearly anything, the fabrication of every garment are high-quality which means that every fabric ensures high durability, tensile strength and resistivity.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Juliana Blog Post 4

Hello everyone,
Below is my mother Martha, who i styled for a night out with friends. The blouse she is wearing is by Colombian designer Silvia Tcherassi, the shirt is a real focal point, quite busy with a sequenced applique pattern on the sleeves and collar. Although she is wearing all black, the shades of black vary from matte (her pants) to a shimmery black (her shoes) and lastly the black velvet on her bodice, which is my favorite; very smooth to the touch. I put a lint roller in her purse, just in-case. The pants she wore were Zara,
95% Cotton 5% spandex, she advised me ahead of time she wanted sometime with stretch.
The outfits end use: "A funny dinner" Dinner+Stand-up Comedy.

Bree Vassar

I styled for my Godson Brandon. He is four years old and is very active and outgrows clothes very quickly. Although he is well behaved, he is curious to a fault and always ends up getting into something that will stain his clothing no doubt so therefore darker colors are a neccesity. Durable fabrics are also needed because hi is so active. I chose a dark grey cotton knit hoodie from Macy's with a guitar motif because he is at the age where he is young but does not want to be seen as a little child, I picked levi blue jeans because of the durability and also the all weather design of denim. The sneakers are nike running shoes because he needs a lightweight shoe that is comfortable and also in a dark color so they don't show dirt. They have a bit of a flourescent trim to make them pop and match the motif on the hoodie. They live in Maryland so I didn't want to just buy something that he could not take back to Maryland so the clothes are suitable for many climates.

Vinee's Blog4

For this outfit I decided to dress my best friend Sandii in a nice mixture of classy, chic and bold. Since it was night time dark colors are great to grab dinner with friends and maybe later go to a party or somewhere especial where dress to impress is a must. I love black and red, since her dress had black and the top had stripes I wanted her to look young but yet sophisticated for night time and that's why I decided to put her in the dress. Later I notice that she had a red jacket/blazer I wanted her to have a bold color to give the outfit a "WOW" factor for when she went out she would be a show-stopper. For the shoes we decided we wanted to make the red standout more and we added a simple, subtle but yet chic red heels. Now for the accessories and make up we added a pair of red earrings and bracelet along with red lipstick and a soft smokey eye shadow. This outfit to me is versatile since you could wear it with or without the blazer and you can still look young,modern,sophisticated and chic with a good pair of shoes and nice accessories.

Vinee Blog 3

I choose the Banana republic window display due to the unity of color choice and theme. The harmony within the pattern choice and colors goes together well and it does not seem to be all over the place. There is a nice balance within the outfits in which they complement each other and by adding the male factor it makes the display more versatile and playful. The repetition would me more on the colors in which it seems as if the lighter colors like tan,beige and white are the main colors. The Rhythm is very fluent and calm by adding the zebra print in the background with such soft colors, by adding one top with lines and the rest just being solid light colors. The emphasis would be more on the jackets and blazers, since all three have either a blazer or a jacket to give that elegant effect. The contrast is on the colors, and the surprise would be more on the accessories added on the outfits.

Vinee's blog 2

This is one of Tiffany's Inc. windows display, for the display the store decided to go with a coral theme. I'm fascinated with this particular window display due to the color scheme used and how well they blend with each other. I love how Gene Moore combined the jewelry with the coral plants to create a "wow" factor on the window. In my opinion Gene did in fact think outside the box by mixing the jewelry and plants for the theme and adding white,blue and gold as her color choice to give the audience the ocean feel. Gene was able to implement the brand image by adding the blue diamond rings on the tips of the plants.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Maria Blog Post 4

I decided to dress myself, which I put together a casual, classy, but in the same time something formal. Leopard is one of my favorites and its something that is never out of style. I am wearing a red cowl neck sleeveless blouse that has some ruffles on the front which gives it a different look. Something really comfortable to wear not to tight but fitted.  For the skirt I am wearing a leopard skirt which gives form to the body, that curvier look, has a zipper in the back, added a red thin belt so it could highlight the skirt and to match with the shirt which came out great and give it a little color to it which looks fabulous. Now for the accessories I am wearing a leopard necklace with some cute leopard earrings and for the shoes I am wearing some red high heels so it could match with the shirt and the belt. You could also change the colors for this outfit and add a blazer to it to give it that career look.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sherece blog post 3

I chose the Juicy Couture display at the Orlando Premium Outlets. The display looked united because the three mannequins were repeated wearing sweat suits in a line side by side. They were standing close together but looking in different directions and wearing different colors and different accessories. The display wasn't really in harmony because of all the differences between the mannequins. The mannequin in the middle was wearing the hood up and the other two had their hoods down so it appeared balanced. The Juicy Couture store left their display background plain white minus the CHOOSE JUICY in big black bold letters, they attempted to make the sweat suits stand out against the black and white. The bright pink and the vibrant green stood out but the contrast of black on black sucked the last mannequin right into the background. Juicy Couture is known for their accessories and not just their clothes so I was surprised they didn't incorporate a handbag in the display.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Maria Blog Post 3

This window display is From H&M.

1. Unity: there is definitely a balance with the these mannequin's. Well pose with different positions.

2. Harmony:  these mannequin's are dressed for everyday. It gives an overall feel of the store. The clothing is a high end look, with a type of edge but also very fashionable.

3. Balance: It is very balanced with the display but also to the clothing.

4. Repetition: the Mannequins are all the same color that's about it.

5. Rhythm: The visual movement of the display flows, to me, starting from left to right how they bring one mannequin to the front,  then back. keeps on repeating

6. Emphasis: It would be on their clothing and the colors.

7. Contrast: The black and blue makes a perfect contrast in this display.

8: Surprise: The visual might cause a certain type of target to stop by and look at. The H&M display came out great. Especially how the two mannequins are on top of the box and giving that sexy pose with a simple, elegant, classy look. Gives that curiosity rather to go inside or not.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Juliana: Blog Post 3

Banana Republic, The window display shown below, portrays sophistication and draws the eyes directly to the mannequins and the apparel which they are modeling. The background is kept simple yet very tasteful simulating great harmony. The background pattern maintains both the solid color in the middle and the stripes on the right end, a random yet subtle pattern on the far left really contrast with the background of both repeated display windows. As for the clothing, each mannequin looks impeccable, you can easily mix and match any piece within the 5 mannequins displayed (excluding the man). For the surprise portion, a man mannequin is thrown into the mix, this helps by showing diversity through unisex yet emphasizing the same fashion authority.  The merchandiser responsible for this display wall really wanted the concept to be readily grasped by everyone including the foreigners. 

Juliana: Blog Post 2

The window display pictured below, was created by legendary Gene Moore; for Tiffany & CO. NY on 5th Ave. This display really tells a story. A story about a successful woman, a woman who could use more hours in the day, a woman who truly breathe's and eats fashion, literally. The satin fabric where the centerpiece is placed helps create a luxurious feel, Tiffany's is after all luxury at its finest. The woman is shown holding a pair of chop sticks effortlessly as the piece of noodle is barley hanging on the end of the silver brushed to-go box of Chinese take out. The black wall behind the centerpiece, reflects a shadow, which if seen before the actual focal point one can say it was a commoner eating out of a take out box. However once the real picture is reviled you can see a what is clearly a woman in lust, a desire for pearls.  

Blog Post 3 Estefania De La Fuente

H&M Window Display 2013

in this window display you can appreciate there is a certain informal balance, the rhythm is present the mannequins reflect a sense of movement with slightly different poses that play a special role and some specific mannequins complements to displaying a particular style of clothing as in this case you can see these mannequins have stylish/elegant poses some have their hands on their hips, waist catching the attention of the style of clothing that is being displayed. Another element that I can see in this display is that the color selection give the illusion that there is a kind of harmony.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jaimie bog plost 2


Gene Moore is the vice president and display director of Tiffany's Inc.
He worked with Tiffany's for nearly 40 years. Since the 1940's, he pushed the
boundaries with his visual merchandising techniques through creative window
displays. His unique displays always had people stopping in their tracks as they
passed Tiffany's. He designed this particular display in 1966, creating a gumdrop
watermelon as a beautiful background for the jewels.

Jaimie blog post 1


Hello! My name is Jaimie and I am 20 years old. I love fashion design and I
constantly look for new ways to create and innovate. :)


The window displays of Gene Moore for Tiffany and co, were significant in the history of visual merchandising and marketing beause they displayed the beauty of the ordinary with the exquisite. His displays took things from everday life and juxtaposed them with the sparkle and glam of the fine jewelry from the company. This was significant and "out of the box" in that previously window displays mainly focused on just the merchandise at hand and not on any particular theme or artwork. By placing the seemingly mundane with the ideal of luxury, Moore not only made the merchandise a salient force in his artwork, he also caught the eyes of a new demographic of customer, the everyday person, thus opening the Tiffany market to a broader audience. Tiffany has always been a standard or excellence in fine jewelry however with Moore's influence and keen marketing, more and more people began to see a Tiffany product as their own personal standard and aspiration, therefore implanting a subliminal desire, and developing a committed, life long customer who would then plant the sed of desire in the mindset of future generations. A 1959 Valentine's day window display by Gene Moore for Tiffany and co. (People Magazine. "They're Just Window Dressing, but Tiffany's Sparkles with Gene Moore's Gems". Feb. 02, 1981 ).

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sherece Blog post 2

This display was in a Tiffany's window in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This specific display spoke to me because its simple but says so much. The image is of a  woman standing on a ladder setting up the window display. She is sticking small pictures of explanation marks on the wall, the image explains that her goal is to wow people. The explanation mark represents the shock, awe and excitement she wants as a reaction from people. One of the main goal of putting up window displays are to catch peoples attention and bring them into your store.  You can see people walking by in the reflection of the glass and their attention is already caught by the unfinished window display. They are probably wondering what the store sells, and they may proceed to enter the store to find out. Goal accomplished !

Kiara's Blog Post 2
“A Valentine's window from 1959. The knitted heart was made of red yarn.”
Obviously this was meant for the valentine’s holiday. In my point of view, this display is describing the one self-knitting its own heart during these holidays. But putting myself in Moor’s shoes, he was going for advertising the red yarn, as described in the quote under the picture. The red yarn is representing the quality and color that Tiffany’s was going for in that period of time. Moore’s work here was very symbolic, but others that would of not understood his work, they took it literal, just like I did when I first saw this picture.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Estefania Blog Post 2

Gene Moore the window dresser caught the attention of many people with this neon thread in the windows at Tiffany and Co. on 5th avenue. Moore is known by express the art of his window displays, he always represent the concept and elevates it to splendor. He implements their ingenuity to make known their creativity and how it makes each of its window display are magnificent to transmit the message. As you can see in this window display entitled "Threading the needle"draws attention each of the elements are present, the lighting of the thread, the beautiful necklace from Tiffany and Co. that makes you feel you want to go to the store and buy it immediately and the message that is for heart. When you see this window display and you connect each pieces as a puzzle  makes you think and makes you adore the art. because all this is called "creativity" and makes you remember the famous phrase "think outside the box".

Blog Post 2 Maria Rivas

 This window display by Gene Moore caught my attention right away. I taught it was a fabulous idea and really creative. I like how he made it look so elegant and artistic especially with the hand picking up the necklace with chop sticks out of the Chinese food box. Its very stunning how he uses the pearl necklace as the noddle, it catches people's eyes. As for me that I love Chinese Food I think this is a astonishing idea. Makes it fun. Have to admit all his work is put beautifully together.  

  • http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/gene-moore-window-display

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I'm Vinee

Hello my name is Vinee Sierra Ortiz, I'm from Puerto Rico. I'm 22 years old, just got back to school after a long break. I'm was not meant for sewing and it shows whenever I'm infront of a machine, but I do love sketching and singing. Looking forward to learn more about the fashion industry and later in the future own my business and do great things.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Blog 1: Sherece

Hi !!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • My name is Sherece
  • I am from Queens, NEW YORK.
  • I am pursuing my dream of becoming a fashion designer, which has been my dream since I was a little girl.
  • I am working on getting my degree in Fashion Design and Merchandising.
  • I currently work in retail and I love it because I am gaining experience to run a successful botique of my own one day.
  • I am suscribed to 42 fashion blogs and 7 fashion magazines, I cant get enough.

I love all things fashion. I am a fashion addict !

Juliana Blog Post 1

My name is Juliana, and i have a dream, hah! I know that I am special and there's no one out there thats like me, or you! Viva Le Fashi-oun!

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Maria Blog Post 1

My name is Maria i am going to a fashion design school, which I'm going for my bachelor's. I am really glad I'm getting more experience on what i love doing and I'm looking forward to my career. With God anything is POSSIBLE!

Estefania Blog Post 1

My name is Estefania, I am a Fashion Design student; I'm very interesting in the fashion industry. My main goal is get experience in a fashion retail store and have my own boutique, and have the opportunity to design my own clothing brand.

Kiara Dariz blog 1

Her name is told and known.. aged at 18 and from Puerto Rico land.. edge and friendly, fashion foward, lover and leader.. puts God above anything else..soon to be owner of her own unique brand and of many well known boutiques. Loves to have fun and try new things. For more to know.. 



Hello, My name is Bree, I love fashion and art and I would like to combine fashion and art and create wearable art experiences.
Bree Vassar

Chelsea Blog Post 1