Monday, July 15, 2013

Ana: Blog Post 6

1.  The graphic pictures on the top of the walls direct you towards this particular brand of candles.
2.  This wall is about scented candles, but the theme seems to be different paradise or islands, which is appropriate for the summer season, due to customers wanting to experience the tropical island feeling.
3.  Scented candles and scented candle accessories from the Yankee candle brand are the products showcased on this wall.
4. There are metal shelves, and there is sinage and pricing. 
5.  Yes in each one of the separate areas of the Yankee candle wall, it seams that the candles match the island feeling.  they use a lot of greens, blues, earth tones, dusty colors like sand, and some jewel tones, sun sets colors.  The names of the candles most likely match the inpriration for the candles.

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