Sunday, June 23, 2013

Marie Blog 3   
1. Unity – This display has unity, all the elements come together very well. The flowers, hot air balloons, butterflies, and the green color are in agreement. It all resonates with summer.
2.     Harmony – All of the elements suggest images of summer. The whole visual is appealing and work well together.
3.     Balance – The balance overall is pretty good. The hot air balloons give the left side some weight, balancing the flowers and butterflies on the right .Also, the taller slender mannequin is balanced out by the shorter, yet wider tree. The sky by itself on opposite sides of this display creates balance.
4.     Repetition – The merchandiser uses repetition to construct the flowers. In the lower right one can see the cone shapes placed together to create the flower. The tree’s leaves were also was established by using repetition.
5.     Rhythm – The height of the hot air balloons bring your eye upward, and then is comes down to the butterflies, to the tree, then back up to the top of the green mirror. From there, the rhythm moves down to the pink hat and flows to the flower. The different height move one around this display.
6.     Emphasis – The emphasis is on the pink hat. It stands out in the sea of green.
7.     Contrast – The contrast of the pink within all of the green is what emphasizes the hat.
8.     Surprise – If one looks closely to this visual display, it looks as though the summer has taken over. Greenery has fully wrapped around the girl, and vines at her look to be feeling their way to conquer more. This could be an element of surprise.

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