Monday, June 24, 2013

Ana: Blog Post 3

This is from Kohl's:  A wall display for Elle

1. Unity:  I think they created unity by the use of the red wall which unified the whole display.
2. Harmony:  I just thought it was balanced, unified and eye catching
3. Balance:  I thought they made a good use of balance by placing 2 bodice Mannequins on each side of the picture, and placing 4 pegs on each side and one rack in the middle
4. Repetition: They used a little repetition with the mannequins, but for balance purposes, I assume.   
5. Rhythm:  They used rhythm through the use of the mannequin's being bigger, smaller, smaller, bigger, which created a dipped curve in the display
6. Emphasis:  They created emphasis on the poster in the middle of the wall. and the tops on the mannequin's.
7. Contrast:  I think they created contrast by the use of the shelving, which seamed to have created a line that made you look up.
8. Surprise:  I was a little surprised by the yellow walls on the side that really made the red pop.

Blog post 4 Linda

For this style I decided to go with a more casual fresh outerwear by combining a strapless lace top and denim shorts. I also added the Lacey vest  to give it a little more of a dressy and delicate look. This outfit is good to wear for the movies, mall and walks. Accessories can always change depending on where you are wearing the outfit for, in this case I used a big waist belt to accentuate her curves and sophisticated look. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Marie Blog 3   
1. Unity – This display has unity, all the elements come together very well. The flowers, hot air balloons, butterflies, and the green color are in agreement. It all resonates with summer.
2.     Harmony – All of the elements suggest images of summer. The whole visual is appealing and work well together.
3.     Balance – The balance overall is pretty good. The hot air balloons give the left side some weight, balancing the flowers and butterflies on the right .Also, the taller slender mannequin is balanced out by the shorter, yet wider tree. The sky by itself on opposite sides of this display creates balance.
4.     Repetition – The merchandiser uses repetition to construct the flowers. In the lower right one can see the cone shapes placed together to create the flower. The tree’s leaves were also was established by using repetition.
5.     Rhythm – The height of the hot air balloons bring your eye upward, and then is comes down to the butterflies, to the tree, then back up to the top of the green mirror. From there, the rhythm moves down to the pink hat and flows to the flower. The different height move one around this display.
6.     Emphasis – The emphasis is on the pink hat. It stands out in the sea of green.
7.     Contrast – The contrast of the pink within all of the green is what emphasizes the hat.
8.     Surprise – If one looks closely to this visual display, it looks as though the summer has taken over. Greenery has fully wrapped around the girl, and vines at her look to be feeling their way to conquer more. This could be an element of surprise.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sue: Week 2 Activity

 An irreverent homage to Hermès from stylish power couple Simon Doonan and housewares designer Jonathan Adler.

Ana: Week 2 Activity

TuMi- Simon Doonan

Marie: Doonan Post

Blog 2 :Tiffany Suazo

Gene Moore : Magical Window Display
 I chose this window display by Gene Moore because it looks as he really thought out of the box for this display . From far away I myself though it was a moon over the ocean brighting Down by a dock with boats around it . But when you look up close its pearls with a light  above .He thought out the box by giving it that light to create a beautiful effect of the different shades and a very magical whimsical feeling.

By : Tiffany Suazo 

Ana Paulino: Blog Post 2

This window by Gene Moore is certainly not what you would expect of a window of a jeweler this day and age.  First of all the window theme in some ways implemented a little of the brand image in the sense that it possibly went back to the brand history, when Charles Lewis Tiffany opened the first store on Broadway in New York in 1837 (  Moore thought outside the box in  his use of materials such as wood, metals, paper, candles and pistols, which certainly tells a masculine story.  He implemented the time pieces in this window, in a way that created a story, of a craft man or watchmaker.  This window is just so unexpected, and really draws you into a different world.  I got the picture from ( through google images).  Thank you.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sue Rivera: Blog Post 2

 Bird With Diamond Necklace
Tiffany Window Display
By: Gene Moore

I chose this display because of the i'ts simplicity. Gene Moore thought "out of the box" with this image in the sense of incorporating a bird as if he is building a nest and the necklace is a worm that he is bringing to his nest as food. It's almost as if the bird has found it's treasure just as us humans find diamonds to be our treasure. The brand image is implemented because it shows the delicacy of the necklace and how it lays. It also shows the meaning of the diamond by incorporating it's significance to the bird.

Post by: Sue Rivera

Friday, June 14, 2013

Blog 1

Hi my name is Tiffany ,I'm 25 years old from New York City . Im a fashion student at iadt. My dream jobs are to become a fashion photographer , journalist & Blogger and while doing all three continue traveling as I live my dreams .

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Marie Post 2:Gene Moore

Gene Moore is the godfather of visual merchandising, and by looking at this example of his work, one can see why. The scene depicts an everyday activity, eating Chinese takeout. Yet, he exchanges the noodles for a string of pearls. This brings an unexpected elements to the scene and captivates the viewer. This adaptaion creates a fun and intersting spin on how one would normally expect to see pearls. I find it ironicly amusing that he chose to use pearls in this window, instead of other Tiffany merchandise, since pearls come from oysters, which really is food.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Ana: Blog Post 1

I my name is Ana.  I am interested in becoming a Fashion Buyer for a Fashion apparel store or opening my own boutique for my own brand.  I love photography and hope to tie it into this Visual Merchandising class.  I enjoy being at IADT as an audtit student, and hope to learn more about the business side of fashion.

Marie Blog Post One

Hello my name is Marie and I am excited to be pursuing my dream in fashion design. I hope to have my own boutique one day. Along with fashion, I love to travel and experience new things. I recently married the love of my life, and am so fortunate to have his love and support. I am very enthusiastic for the future.