Friday, July 5, 2013

Marie Blog 5

 I have been busy collecting the materials that I will need to construct my bottle cap dress and the accompanying props. I already have, for what I believe is enough bottle caps to finish my dress. Thank you to all of my friends at Rusty's that help me acquire so many bottle caps. As for the aluminum cans, I definitely need to collect more. Yet, I have a few weeks since I plan on constructing my garment first. Not only have I been gathering caps and cans, but trying to figure out the best way to connect the bottle caps. So far I have tried using wire that I cut into equal strips and tied the caps together, after drilling four holes into them. I was not happy with the flexibility factor, so this week I tried using a chain. As the picture shows, it creates a great uniformity and it is flexible, but I was hoping to have the bottle caps closer. Next, I plan on using fishing line to connect the caps with the hopes of the best outcome so far.


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