Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ana: Blog Post 10


I enjoyed making my Birthday dress,  It took lots of sleepless nights, but it was truly worth it.  Let the party begin.  Great job everyone, I enjoyed taking this class with Ms. Chelsea and all of you.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Congrats! Pointe Orlando Project is Up and Running!

What a fantastic job each of you did! Congratulations and have a fantastic break! I can't wait to see where your talent leads you. :)

-Ms. Chelsea

Marie Blog 10

Let Freedom Ring! My Visual Merchandising project is finished and on display at Point Orlando. It is an exciting day. I love my bottle top dress.

Blog 10

Even though this was a lot of work, I enjoyed every bit of it. The dress is done and already on display :) 

TuMi Duong Post 10

My paper plates dress is finally done and displayed!! What a fun experience!

Monday, August 5, 2013

TuMi Duong Post 9

I finished sewing the top and bottom part of my dress and so I am putting it together as shown on the top image.  The hemline is long, but because I am not sure the height of my mannequin so I am keeping the length as is.  So far, the dress looks like it will fit a size 8 mannequin, so my next step would be to add the paper plates.  Can't wait to see how it will turn out! 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Marie Blog 9

 It has been a very very busy week working on the construction of my bottle top dress and starting the construction of my props. I have gone through 700 zip ties and still have not finished the bottom of my dress. The drilling and painting has continued and it will through this week. Yet, I am very happy how everything is coming along. As for my props, I have been painting the cans to build my flag, as you can see I used thin wooden dowels to hold the cans as I paint. I have also finished three of my five flowers. The picture shows the two red flowers, the other three will be yellow. I plan on attaching them to green painted cans that are stacked on top of each other. looking forward to completing this project by next Sunday!