Tuesday, March 12, 2013

post 10 Vinee

At last the outcome of my wonderful partner Juliana and I has come to life! Juliana this is our BABY! It was a long journey but I had a wonderful partner.

post 9 Vinee

My partner Juliana and I need to work on props, since our theme is balloons and aluminum foil, it's tough to figure what kind of props to make with the balloons and foil. But we will be doing trail and error until we figure out something that can look the dress stand out more. We might end up doing 2 stuff animals covered in aluminum foil or balloons.

Post 8 Vinee

For this project my partner Juliana and I agreed to do some flowers with balloons in the back and in the waist area to balance the skirt and make the top more cute. We tried doing a color scheme that went from dark to light and vice versa that way the dress wouldn't look like a clown dress. We thought also that by adding the flowers it would make the dress look more delicate as well. My partner and have struggled with the balloons since we kept on running out of them each time, and also the aluminum foil was a struggle since it was heavy duty and still kept ripping. Also time went by very fast for us but we still manage to make a lot done within the time frame. we still have to do the props but we go it.

Post 7 vinee

The first set of mannequins I choose for The Club since the mannequins are wearing outfits for a casual and or special occasion. The color scheme looks very classy and elegant since they are using black and white. The mannequins look almost alive that way the client can have a better view of the outfits.
For the second set I choose for Just like new since the mannequins looks aproppiate for the concept of the brand. I like the pose on the mannequins since it makes them look fun, young and fresh. The colors are different but they blend in together well.

Post 6 Vinee

This picture was taken at Wal-mart, and as you can see there's signs at the top in the ceilings portraying the type of merchandise you are looking for. For dispalys they have examples of mix match outfits that gives the costumer an idea for a nice outfit. From clothe up to food showcases are displayed at Wal-mart. Wal-mart's fixtures differ depending on the which area you are. The color story goes from warm to cool colors.

Blog Post 5 Vinee

For this project my partner Juliana and I have decided to use balloons and aluminum foil. Since it is a spring collection we thought that the colors of balloons would be fun to use and would go accordingly with the theme. We will use ribbons to help keep the balloons in place for the skirt and peplum.

Jaimie Blog Post 10



"April Showers"


Estefania Blog Post 10



Juliana Arango Blog 10

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Kiara Dariz Blog 9

Kiara Dariz- blog post-9
I, to be able to advance on the dress, recycled a tutu that was colored neon and sprayed painted it all black. not only that, but i also strated working on my props, which are cut out shoe soles out of cardboard, which eventually are going to be ballerina shoes. and for the top part i already glued all the triangular pieces toguether i just have to put it on the corset and finish detailing and sparay painting!


Estefania Blog Post 9

Spring Splendor!
These are some pictures of how the progress of my dress is almost done.During this weekend I tried to finish the skirt, I used some draping techniques to manipulated the paper and give the shape that i want to give it. The bond paper is very easy to manipulated but I added some textures to the paper and the result was that paper it was very stiff so i was to be very careful to drape the paper.Now I have only to be focused to paint the whole skirt and put the three-dimmensional figures to some sections of the skirt.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Juliana Arango Blog 8

Hello everyone,
Below is out display progress for Thornton Park, we have come close to the end. The back of the dress has an oval exposed back, the surrounding/remaining back is covered in "flowers" Balloon flowers!
The entire bodice will also be balloon's however the balloons will be cut open and sewed on as "fabric".
We also added a peter pan collar which is already sewed on with applied interfacing waiting to be covered with heavy duty aluminum foil to compliment the aluminum peplum, which we plan on finishing tomorrow during class time.